

Online reservation

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Classic house-to-house fighting. On 3000 m2 there are many rooms; theatre (good aim from the projector room). The possibility to move in and out of the building is given by the former open windows and doors. Around the building there are many trees and bushes, as well as artificial hindrances. Therefore, it provides a good opportunity to circulate around the building and to approach the opponent from behind. The building has a U-form of which one part is shorter than the other and has several floors. To enable a perfect game, we also opened here several crossings between the different rooms. It is an ideal training field for tactical penetration. For beginners, it is a real adrenaline bomb because of the closed place where shots are louder and the 7-meterdistance is not always given.

The size of the field equals approx. a football pitch and has a rectangular form.


Popular paintball game types

  • Last men standing
  • Capture the flag

  15 – 50 person

Reservation is always requiered

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    Business Unit Director: Lőrinczi Sándor